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Welcome to Our Clinic Website

Based in Beloit, Wisconsin and established in 2002, Riverwind Therapeutics has been providing quality care to individuals of all ages to help decrease pain and stiffness, reduce soft tissue and scar restriction, improve movement, strength, and balance, always working to improve functional abilities. We coordinate your treatment with your physician and/or other health care providers to obtain the best outcome possible for you.

Ann Pruyne, MS, OTR, has been an occupational therapist since 1982, with a specialty in the treatment of pain, soft tissue and scar problems, movement disorders, balance, lymphedema, and works with children with sensory processing disorders (ADHD, Aspergers) and developmental delay. She is specially trained in myofascial release, Craniosacral Therapy, strain-counterstrain, positional release, stretch-and-spray, NDT, Feldenkrais, Tai Chi, balance, lymphedema, relaxation techniques/stress management, and sensory integration (for pediatric clients).

About Our Approach


Occupational therapy is an integral part of healing and preventative treatment for a wide variety of conditions and individuals of all ages. I believe, however, this specialized care can go far beyond the primary medical benefits, with clients finding treatment a rewarding process for the body, mind, and spirit, while decreasing pain or restrictions and improving daily functioning.

As a Registered Occupational Therapist, I collaborate with physicians and other medical professionals for comprehensive, quality care. By combining my 28 years of experience with specialty training in soft tissue techniques and treatment of movement disorders, I work to ensure clients receive the best possible outcome.

Community classes bring pertinent information to the community to help prevent injury and improve function. Current classes are Balancing as You Age that helps prevent falls in seniors, and the Posture Seminar, that helps you improve your posture and body mechanics.

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